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 Rules of i2k Forums

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Posts : 21
Join date : 2009-07-07
Age : 40
Location : California

Rules of i2k Forums Empty
PostSubject: Rules of i2k Forums   Rules of i2k Forums Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:01 pm

Please understand that because this is a free website, users have no "rights" per say, and this is not a democracy. That being said, we
INSIST that you follow these rules, if you wish to continue being a member of this community.

Site Conduct/Policy:

  • There is to be no spamming in the shout box, which includes excessive
    smilies. If you do so there is a great likelihood that all of your
    shouts will be pruned, and if you continue, and ban from the shout box
    will be given. If the offence is serious enough, you might receive a
    suspension from the site.
  • No excessive CAPS usage in the shout box.
  • Links in the shout box are fine as long as they aren't posted
    solely with the intention of getting everyone to look at, and comment
    on a thread that you just made.
  • No linking to malicious sites such as phishers. Anyone caught doing so will receive a permanent ban.
  • Any User who is caught trying to dupe our donation system will receive a two day suspension.
  • VIP accounts are only to be accessed by one IP address/Computer. If
    you have donated to get VIP, and have broken this rule, you forfeit
    your VIP privileges and will not receive a refund. Please remember that
    a donation is a donation, not a purchase. We give users VIP accounts
    for donating a minimum of $10 US out of appreciation for that
  • All users must be registered for a minimum of 1-3 months before being added to the VIP user group.
  • No posting Intent2Kill exclusives on other
    sites without permission, without giving proper credit, or without
    meeting the wishes of the code creator.
    Violators of this
    offense will be banned, and we will not respect the rights of the site
    that the code is posted on with regard to exclusive codes if said codes
    are not deleted or corrected.
  • You are only allowed to have one account unless authorized by an administrator.
    If you register a second account without authorization, both of your
    accounts are subject to a permanent ban. This goes for all non-admin users, including Moderators.
  • Using Staff User bars as an avatar or custom user title will result
    in an infraction, and loss of avatar and sig privileges. No questions
  • If you find a vulnerability that allows you to run any type of
    code(Ex. html) that does not permit you to use it for your gain. If you
    are found exploiting such you will be banned without question for a
    minimum of 10 days.

Forum Conduct:

  • No
    flaming. If you are flamed however, you have every right to defend
    yourself until a moderator ends the discussion and takes the proper
    course of action. This goes for all user groups.
  • No flaming staff, They carry a "ban hammer" (This includes, but is not limited to, flaming staff through private messaging).
  • Debating (arguing a point) is allowed, as long as arguments are
    respectful, and do not include any name calling, vulgarity, or immature
    remarks that have little or nothing to do with the original statement.
    This is a forum, so with that in mind, we encourage people to post
    their opinion, as long as the argument/opinion is posted in accordance
    with all of the rules posted on this page. Admins and moderators have
    the right to end arguments without warning at their own digression.
  • No Second Guessing Staff members. If you have a
    complaint regarding a moderating decision, it is advisable to simply pm
    one of the admins, or the staff member who made the decision.

  • If you receive an infraction or warning and don't
    understand the reasoning behind it, you are welcome to pm the staff
    member who issued the infraction/warning to ask for further detail.
    This must be done in a civil and respectful manner, and users who are
    disrespectful when inquiring about an infraction will not be taken
    seriously, and may receive a second infraction/warning or a suspension.

  • Admins have the final say in any situation, no questions asked.
    This does not give users the right to argue with Moderators/Super Mod's
    as they too have the power to give infractions and suspensions, as well
    as to delete posts.
  • No bumping really old topics. If you have something relevant to
    say about an old topic then fine. But no going into an old topic and
    posting something ignorant or irrelevant just to bring it back to the
    top of the queue.
  • Try to show some intelligence in your posting. Perfect grammar
    isn't a requirement, but make sure that your posts are readable.
    Admin's and Moderators may edit/delete user posts without warning or
    explanation if they are unreadable.
  • No excessive foul language. We do not ask our users to use proper
    language all the time, but we will NOT allow our site to be spammed
    with blatant foul language. If every other word in a users post is a
    curse word, that user's post may be edited or deleted without warning,
    and the user may be given an infraction or even a suspension. All we
    ask is that our users show a little class and professionalism.
  • No trying to bypass the profanity censor. This will result in an
    infraction. Please note that three infractions equal a minimum one day
  • English is THE official language of this site. If you post in
    another language there is no guarantee that you will receive help or
    reply. However, there will be no punishment for speaking in another
    language. This isn't particularly a rule, just general information
    directed at potential non-English speaking users.
  • No mini-moderating please. If you find a post that breaks any of
    these site rules, please just report the post. It is not necessary to
    leave a post telling the original poster "this has been reported" or
    anything along those lines.
  • Absolutely NO coming here to flame other site's.
    Please take your drama elsewhere, because we don't need it here, we
    have as much of it as we can stand (which is very little thanks to our
    users Rules of i2k Forums Biggrin)
    on our own to deal with. Violaters will be given a 2 point infraction.
    Please keep in mind that receiving 3 points institutes an automatic
    three day ban.

  • Negativity is not prohibited, but is also not encouraged. Posts of such a nature are subject to deletion without warning.

Posting Content:

  • First
    and foremost, this is a public site with free registration, meaning
    that anyone with an internet connection can join at any time. With that
    in mind, you are registering/posting/conversing at your own risk, and
    any personal info that you post should be regarded with digression.
  • No link's (in any form) to game iso/cso's, unless in specified section.
  • No links to illegal movies, such as copies of movies that break federal copyright laws, unless in specified section.
  • No discussion of sites or services that provide links to illegal file downloads. Not expressly prohibited, but not recommended.
  • No links to other forums in your sig without permission from an
    administrator. If you find a link in someone else's sig and are unsure
    about whether or not it is allowed, please ask an admin.
  • No links to pornography. (Anything containing extreme nudity or
    sexual situations). Violators may receive a suspension depending on the
    staff member who catches it.
  • No making threads with the sole intention of advertising your's or
    somebody else's site. As stated above, a link in your signature may be
    allowed given administrator permission.
  • No posting threads that relate to racism or sexism or any other
    slanderous content. Starting topics relating to such content will
    result in a warning/infraction the first time, and a 4 day minimum
    suspension after repeated offenses.
  • No Ripping (stealing other peoples work
    and claiming it as your own). The staff and administrators will punish
    violators of this rule most harshly. Please respect the creativity of
  • Always give credit, when posting codes, tutorials, etc. Once
    again, we ask that all users please respect the creativity and hard
    work of others.
  • No posting boot codes (codes that allow a user to kick another user out of a game and/or off of a game server)

Special Downloads Section Rules:
In addition to the pre-existing announcements in the downloads sections:

  • Code ALL Links with CODE tags. If you do not know what they are, do not post links. Failure to do so will grant you an infraction for spamming
  • Use the proper thread category from the dropdown box(That represents the download site). Failure to do this will end up in a variable punishment decidable by the moderator who is instructed to solve the problem.
  • DO NOT reply saying "Dead link" or something to that extent. Simply use the report button and be on your merry way. Failure to do this will get you an infraction for spamming.
  • Do not flame for people posting the same thing as you.
    You are only allowed to report the post if it contains the same LINK,
    not the same program. If you reply saying something to the extent of "I
    already posted this", then you will be infracted for spamming.

Ban Warranting Content:

  • Sexual Innuendo/discussion
  • Racism
  • Sexism
  • Posting warez downloads in non-warez sections
  • Topics regarding the use/creation of weapons/bombs!!
Anyone caught posting threads related to any of these topics will receive, at the very least, a 1 day ban, if not longer.

We define spam as any of the following:

  • Advertising other sites/services
  • Flaming
  • posting one word replies
  • Posting threads in the wrong section
  • Getting TOO FAR off topic (if it gets a little off topic it is for
    the most part ok, because thats how real life conversation is)
  • Posting threads that ask simple questions that one could ask in the shout box or through private messaging
Spamming on this site will result in an infraction. Constant spamming may result in a suspension/ban
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